Punto y Final arrives as one of the most special releases of the year, and it does so from the hand of Luis Tosar and Blanca Suárez. In the era of streaming and high prices for screenings in movie theaters, this proposal lands breaking barriers.
This film, which does not have the backing of any production company and is destined for a good cause, is one of the most special releases of recent times. The production of this audiovisual piece is carried out by the Unoentrecienmil Foundation and the great cause that supports this entire project is the fight against childhood leukemia.
The great peculiarity of this film is that it only has one scene, and it is the final one. In it, Blanca Suárez takes on the role of a mother who lives in 2035. Her 11-year-old daughter Martina is admitted to the hospital for leukemia and suddenly receives a call from Dr. Medina, played by Luis Tosar, who tells her that he has the definitive cure for this disease that, in addition to saving her little girl’s life, will help millions of other people around the world.
How to watch Punto y Final ?
The film will be available for free at www.puntoyfinal.org, the official website that the foundation has made available to make this possible. In addition to enjoying this film right now, you can participate in the project quickly.If you fill out a form that will take no more than 30 seconds, you can appear in the credits that appear at the end of the viewing. “In 2035, the definitive cure for childhood leukemia was discovered, thanks to people like you who made this ending possible,” is the phrase you will see on screen just before the credits. For this reason, if you have filled out and signed the aforementioned petition, your name will appear next to that of the team that made it possible. In this way, you will join the longest credits in history, and all for a good cause: The fight against leukemia, a type of blood cancer that begins in the bone marrow.
In addition to seeing Luis Tosar and Blanca Suárez on the screens in our home, we also discovered the girl, played by Garazi Cob. In a project directed by Santiago Zannou, winner of a Goya in 2008 for El truco del manco, none of the people involved have been paid for the work done. Everything is destined to support the fight against this disease.
Source : cadenadial.com